OK neetvga in these two directories are the AWESOME vga stuff... rgb in this directory I have MY OWN coded vga palette support stuff, and a few programs to take advantage of this(fern#). rog roger is the guy I got the bgi and pas from and he made the hack programs these are the originals.... 320x200 is a unit that starts the bgi at that mode but whenever it runs it prompts you for where it is.... I modified this to be able to change the resolution within the program and for the program to be able to say where the bgi is(initializesvga i think I named the procedure) but that unit should be in rgb... also look for two different vga support units (there are lots more actually) in the rgb directory, that I made. one accepts direct changes in the rgb (from 0 to 63 as values) and the other accepts percentage( from 0 to 100, then it chooses the correct value from the highest possible which at a constant which is 63(I put this in incase there was a better vga card that could do higher values.....))